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We Buy Cars In Any Condition I Nationwide
We Buy Quality Pre-Owned Cars
Drive-In Appraisal & Car Buying Center, Kingston N.Y.
Will you buy a vehicle titled in my business or corporation name?Yes, Continental Cars buys cars from businesses, corporations, LLCs and consumers. All purchases require authorization from an owner, officer or president of the company. In addition, we may require state documents to verify owners/officers.
Can a Mobile Car Buyer come to my home or office to appraise my car?Yes, we offer mobile appraisals at your home or office if you can not get the vehicle to one of our appraisal centers. This is especially convenient for seniors who have limited driving abilities and need to sell their car fast.
What do I need to sell my car to Continental Cars?You don't need these things to get an offer for your car, but if you are looking to sell when you get your appraisal offer or want to verify everything is in order. Please come prepared with these items to avoid any delays in selling your car. All titleholders should be present if planning on selling on the spot Your State Issued Drivers License or Valid State Picture ID Card Your Current State Vehicle Title (No Photocopies) Title must match seller(s) Your Lien Release Letter from your Lender if Financed & Paid Off Your Bank or Finance Company Contact Information for Active Liens Your Current Payoff Amount and Date Your Current & Valid Vehicle Registration Card Your Current & Valid Vehicle Insurance Card Your Current Vehicle Inspection Sticker (Safety/Smog) Required States Keys and Key Fobs Factory Owners Manual Your Banking Info along with Bank Account & Routing Number for Payments You may also need cash or certified funds if your car has negative equity
If I accept your appraisal offer will I be paid on the spot?Yes, provided you have all the proper documentation available at the time of the vehicle appraisal we will write you a business check or transferer funds directly to your bank account via ACH transfer.
Can I Get an Instant Appraisal Offer at your Drive-In Appraisal Center?Yes, however all drive-in appraisals are by appointment only. Please call your nearest location to schedule an appointment or ask about our mobile car appraisal service.
Can I negotiate my online Instant Appraisal Offer for more money?No, all of our online appraisal offers are firm and subject to a in-person vehicle inspection to determine the actual offer amount. All final appraisal offers are valid for 3 days.
What if I owe more on my car than the amount on your instant appraisal offer?If your payoff amount is more than the appraisal offer for your car, the difference is called negative equity. In some cases, the negative equity can be included in your financing if you buy a new car at a dealership. Continental Cars only buys vehicles, we don't offer used car for sale. So if there is negative equity we will calculate the difference between your lien payoff and our appraisal offer to determine what you will pay out of pocket to Continental Cars. We will accept cashier's checks, certified checks, and certified funds only. Our offers are valid for 3 days, giving you time to gather any necessary funds to complete your sale to us. Please note, we will accept a personal checks up to $250 max.
Can I sell my car to Continental Cars without buying a new car from you?Yes, in fact we don't sell cars so your trade is not padded into the selling price of a new vehicle. That's what makes our appraisal offers so good, you truly get the final offer price for your vehicle. Our offer will beat most car dealer trade in offers because we are not shifting around money on the back end of a deal.
If I have an Instant Online Appraisal offer, do I need a drive-in appraisal too?Yes, if you have an online appraisal offer, you have a very close ballpark appraisal. The drive-in or mobile appraisal is a more in depth vehicle verification inspection. We will verify that the condition of your vehicle, tires, body, paint and mechanical systems etc. all match your online description but in more detail. While we use the same appraisal criteria online and in-store, we use addition diagnostic tools to analyze engine and drivetrain health during our in-person inspections. We only adjust online offers if a car's tires, mileage, psychical/mechanical condition, use, or accident history differs from the information we originally received from you.
Can I sell a deceased spouses or family members car?Yes, provided you have a power of attorney or you are the executor of a will or estate. We will work with both estate attorneys and trust appointed executors.
Can I sell my leased car to you?No, at this time we do not purchase leased vehicles. Keep in mind that some leasing companies won't allow you to sell the car before the lease expires.
Should I sell it myself or sell it to Continental Cars?You can sell your vehicle for retail and obtain a higher price from the sale. Selling it yourself will take more time. We have all heard the horror stories of online car sales gone bad. We offer a safer solution then selling on market place or craigs list. No sketchy strangers coming to your home, scoping out your property. You will have to figure out how to determine legitimate buyers from scam buyers trying to steal your identity if not more. If your vehicle still has a bank lien this will cause potential hurdles for would-be buyers. The same goes for waiting on a buyer to get bank financing. Our buying service is fast, easy and safe compared to selling it yourself.
Does Continental Cars purchase vehicles in any condition?Continental Cars will buy almost any vehicle in any condition nationwide. If the car doesn’t meet our quality pre-owned vehicle requirements, we’ll happily refer you to Continental Auto, our sister company that can help you sell your junk vehicle.
Will you still buy my car if I'm making payments to the my finance company or my bank?Yes, we will work directly with your finance company or bank to payoff the existing lien on the vehicle. Depending if you have positive or negative equity in your car you will receive a check for the difference or you may have to pay additional out of pocket to satisfy the lien holder.
Will you pickup my vehicle if I'm unable to drive it to you?Yes, however all vehicles must have a current registration and insurance at the time of the appraisal / sale to ensure we can take it for a proper test drive to determine if there are any mechanical issues. Once we purchase the vehicle at your home, senior residence or office we will remove your plates and either tow your vehicle away or drive it away with our dealer tags.
My family member has moved to a senior assistant residence and no longer will require their vehicle, can you help sell their car?Yes, we can send one of our mobile buyers to the senior residence and appraise the vehicle onsite and do all paperwork and payment at the sale. We also work with trust attorneys and executors of estates. We help families when loved ones can no longer drive and need to sell their car. We help seniors when it comes time to sell their car, we can guide family/caregivers through the process to make it hassle free. We can work with the owner or family member with a PoA to finalize the sale.
Should I have my car detailed and washed before the drive-in vehicle appraisal?Yes, having your cars exterior and interior cleaned and vacuumed will add value to your vehicles appraisal offer. We factor in the time and materials to clean a vehicle and make it ready to remarket, this is referred to as recon or reconditioning.

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